

Drawing, structure and pattern
- The set up of drawings starts with a simple stroke and a certain duct flow
- The matrix exists of points, lines and planes, which create forms
- Textures like patterns or structures show up when forms according
to their smallness seem like planes without acting like a single character
- Textures create a certain distinction, set focal points, give grip and create mood
- But the importance therefor always is a clear stroke

Painting and order
- Human beings live according to different rhythms, like going at night to bed, standing up in the morning, or having lunch at a certain time, what helps not to end up in chaos
- For paintings it is the same; color in a picture should always follow a distinct order so that the picture is not ending up in chaos
- Important for my work with color are the 7 color contrasts described by Johannes Itten
- Minding facts like that warm colors are coming up to the foreground in contrast with cold color
- Complementary colors in contrast with each other support their luminance
- Planes with bright colors seem bigger than with dark colors
